Table 1
Bibliometric details of scientific articles published in 119 orthopaedic-related journals between 2012 and 2021, based on the author’s institutional affiliation using the World Bank Classification [16].
High income (HIC) (%) | Upper middle income (UMIC) (%) | Lower middle income (LMIC) (%) | Low income (LIC) (%) | Total | |
Total articles with income data | 133,718 | ||||
Total number of affiliations | 121,373 (87.6) | 9677 (7.0) | 7266 (5.2) | 216 (0.2) | 138,492 |
Corresponding authors | 93,139 (87.5) | 5593 (5.3) | 7608 (7.1) | 134 (0.1) | 106,474 |
Number of citations | 1,688,408 (92.5) | 84,530 (4.6) | 51,134 (2.8) | 1293 (0.1) | 1,825,365 |
Web of Science | |||||
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) | 12,422 (74.4) | 1267 (7.6) | 2927 (17.5) | 91 (0.5) | 16,707 |
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) | 102,118 (89.3) | 8010 (7.0) | 4143 (3.6) | 106 (0.1) | 114,365 |
NA | 6833 (92.3) | 400 (5.4) | 156 (2.1) | 19 (0.2) | 7,408 |
Funding | |||||
Yes | 42,355 (92.2) | 2251 (4.9) | 1224 (2.7) | 95 (0.2) | 45,925 |
No | 79,018 (85.3) | 7426 (8.1) | 6002 (6.5) | 121 (0.1) | 92,567 |
Open Access Gold (OAG) | |||||
Yes | 21,158 (78.3) | 3367 (12.5) | 2370 (8.8) | 113 (0.4) | 27,008 |
No | 100,215 (90) | 6310 (5.6) | 4856 (4.3) | 103 (0.1) | 111,484 |
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