Open Access

Table 1

Knee instability.

Author, year Country Mean No of patients (M/F) Age (mean) BMI Ligament instability Procedure Subjective instability Lachman Pivot shift
Follow-up, y
Badhe, 2002 [6] United Kingdom 2.8 years (mean) 14 (9/5) N.A N.A 5/14 ACL (DV); HTO + ACLR/PCLR/PLRI Pre-op: 100%
2/14 PCL + PLRI (TV); 5/14 Single stage CWTO + ACLR; Post-op: 0%
2/14 ACL + PLRI (TV); 1/14 Single stage HTO + PCL + PLRI;
1/14 ACL + PCL + PLRI (TV) 1/14 Single stage HTO + ACL + PLRI;
1/14 PLRI (TV) 1/14 ACL + PLRI followed by HTO;
2/14 PCL + PLRI (TV) 1/14 OWHTO + PCL + PLRI;
1/14 PLRI (TV) 1/14 HTO + PCL + PLRI;
1/14 HTO + PLRI;
2/14 OWHTO;
1/14 HTO
Jin, 2018 [7] South Korea 5.2 y 24 (20/4) 40.2 years (range: 29–52 years) N.A 24/24 ACL + Medial compartment OA HTO + ACLR   Grade 0: 0.14 Grade 0: 0.15
Grade I: 3.7 Grade I: 9.5
Grade II: 14.3 Grade II: 11.4
Grade III: 7.0 Grade III: 4.0
(pre-op, final follow-up) (pre-op, final follow-up)
p < 0.001 p < 0.001
Vaishya, 2016 [8] India 1.3 y 40 (27/13) 37.3 years N.A 40/40 ACL + OA MOWHTO + ACLR Pre-op: 100%
Cause of injury: Sport 85%, domestic injury 15% Post-op: 0%
Mehl, 2016 [9] Germany 5.8 y 52 (36/16) 37.95 years 26.75 kg 52/52 ACL + OA varus 26/52 HTO Pre-op: 100% Post-op: 0%
26/52 HTO + ACLR Arthroscopy confirmed
Sonnery-Cottet et al. 2014 [10] France 2.6 y 5 (4/1) 24 years N.A 5/5 ACL 5/5 One Stage ACLR(Revision) + ACW-HTO with detachment of ATT and Grade 0: 0.4
Patellar tendon Grade I: 1.1
Grade II: 3.0
Grade III: 1.0
(pre-op, final follow-up)
Song et al. 2020 [11] China 2.8 y 18 (16/2) 29.4 y N.A 18/18 ACL 18/18 One Stage ACLR (Primary) + ACW-HTO Grade 0: 0.18
Without detachment of ATT and patellar tendon Grade I: 0.0
Grade II: 15.3
Grade III: 3.0
(pre-op, final follow-up)
Akoto et al. 2020 [12] Germany 2.5 y 20 (14/6) 27.8 ± 8.6 years N.A 20/20 ACL 20/20 Two Stages ACLR(Revision) + ACW-HTO with detachment of ATT and patellar tendon     Grade 0: 0.20
Grade I: 0.0
Grade II: 0.0
Grade III: 20.0
(pre-op, final follow-up)
Rozinthe et al. 2022 [13] France 9.9 y 8 (5/3) N.A N.A 8/8 ACL 8/8 One Stage ACLR (Revision) + ACW-HTO without detachment of ATT and patellar tendon Pre-op: 100% Post-op: 0%
Weiler et al. 2022 [14] Germany 0.5 y 76 (47/29) 32.2 years (range 17–57 years) N.A 76/76 ACL 76/76 Two Stage ACLR(Primary) + ACW-HTO or MOW-HTO without detachment of ATT and patellar tendon Pre-op: 100% Post-op: 0%
Bonin et al. 2004 [15] France 12 y 29 30 (range 18–41 years) N.A 29/29 ACL + OA 29/29 One Stage ACLR + HTO Pre-op, mean 10.6 (Grade III); Post-op, mean 8.1 (Grade II)
Schneider et al. 2020 [16] France 10 ± 5.2 y 35 (24/11) 39 ± 9 years N.A 35/35 ACL Combined ACL reconstruction (bone-patellar tendon-bone graft) and MOW HTO Mean IKDC score of 71.8 ± 14.9, Lysholm score of 82 ± 14.1 Pre-op: Positive in 94%, Post-op: Normal in 63%, Firm end in 31%, Soft end in 6% Pre-op: Abnormal in 89%, Post-op: Normal in 74%, Glide in 20%, Clunk in 6%

OWHTO open-wedge tibial osteotomy, CWTO closed-wedge lateral tibial osteotomy, MOWHTO medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy, ACW-HTO anterior closed-wedge high tibial osteotomy, PCL posterior cruciate ligament, PLRI postero-lateral rotatory instability, ACL anterior cruciate ligament, DV double varus, TV triple varus, ATT anterior tibial translation.

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