Open Access

Table 3


Author, year Complications
Badhe, 2002 [6] One patient had an infection of postero-lateral corner ligament reconstruction, resulting in complete disruption of lateral tissues. One patient had non-union of open-wedge tibial osteotomy.
Jin, 2018 [11] Three patients complained of hyperesthesia in the antero-lateral part of the proximal tibia and one patient had pain in the incision site. There was no case of non-union of the osteotomy site. No other major complications were noted.
Vaishya, 2016 [7] There were no intraoperative complications. One patient (2.5%) had a loss of 20° of flexion. The average time for the radiological union of the osteotomy was 3.56 months (range 3–6 months), and two patients (5%) showed delayed union. No neurovascular complications were seen.
Mehl, 2016 [8] No complications happened. This study shows that additional one-staged reconstruction of the ACL, however, seems to even improve knee function without significant risk of increased OA progression or increased complication rate in a mid-term perspective.
Sonnery-Cottet et al. 2014 [12] Intra Operation: 0
Post Operation: 0
Graft failure: 0
Song et al. 2020 [13] Intra Operation: 0
Post Operation: 0
Graft failure after ACLR: 0
Akoto et al. 2020 [14] Intra Operation: 0
Post Operation: 1 (5%): haematoma
Graft failure after ACLR: 0
Rozinthe et al. 2022 [9] Intra Operation: 0
Post Operation: 0
Graft failure after ACLR: 0
Weiler et al. 2022 [10] Intra Operation: 0
Post Operation: 1 (1.7%): implant infection
Graft failure after ACLR: Not specified
Schneider, et al. 2020 [16] 8% failure rate, including one ACL graft rupture
Bonin, 2004 [15] 1 patella infera, 1 stiffness, 3 wound haematomas, 1 delayed wound healing, 7 DVT

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