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Forgotten joint score associated with prosthesis weight in cementless total hip arthroplasty: a prospective clinical study
Huiliang Zeng, Ping Li, Wenjun Feng, Ke Jie, Jinlun Chen, Jianchun Zeng, Xicong Chen, Guanming Zhou, Haitao Zhang and Yirong Zeng Frontiers in Surgery 11 (2024)
The Joint Awareness Score: A Shortened, Simplified, Improved Alternative to the Forgotten Joint Score
Matthew A. Porter, Michael G. Johnston, Clark Kogan, Celeste G. Gray, Kade E. Eppich and David F. Scott Arthroplasty Today 24 101239 (2023)
Traditional Chinese-Hong Kong version of Forgotten Joint Score-12 (FJS-12) for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee underwent joint replacement surgery: cross-cultural and sub-cultural adaptation, and validation