Open Access Review Arthroscopic double-row rotator cuff repair: a comprehensive review of the literature Nuri Aydin, Bedri Karaismailoglu, Mert Gurcan and Mahmut Kursat Ozsahin Published online: 14 December 2018 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (327.2 KB)ePUB (932.9 KB)ReferencesPubMed Record
Open Access Short-term results (1 year) of vented versus solid polyetheretherketone anchors in treatment of rotator cuff tears Marco C. Sarmento, António E. Cartucho and Jacinto M. Monteiro Published online: 04 September 2019 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (297.9 KB)ePUB (970.9 KB)ReferencesPubMed Record