Issue |
Volume 10, 2024
Article Number | 7 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Knee | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 08 February 2024 |
Original Article
What is the best fixation method in medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction? A biomechanical comparison of common methods for femoral graft attachment
Orthopaedics Surgery and Sports Medicine Department, FIFA Medical Center of Excellence, Croix-Rousse Hospital, Lyon University Hospital, 69004, Lyon, France
Univ Lyon, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, IFSTTAR, LBMC UMR_T9406, F69622, Lyon, France
LIBM – EA 7424, Interuniversity Laboratory of Biology of Mobility, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, Lyon, France
* Corresponding author:
Introduction: A variety of techniques have been described for femoral fixation in medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction (MPFLr). The aim of this study was to compare the biomechanical performance of the most used methods for graft fixation in the femur using human cadaveric tissue. We wondered what is the best fixation method for femoral fixation in MPFL reconstruction? Hypothesis: A suspensory fixation device provides the best femoral fixation. Material and method: Twenty cadaveric knees were tested. Four femoral fixation methods were compared (5 knees per group): interference fixation with a Biosure© RG 5 mm and a 7 mm, suture anchor (Healicoil Regenesorb 4.75 mm ©) and suspensory fixation with the Ultrabutton©. The testing was divided in preconditioning, cyclic loading and load to failure. Load to failure, elongation, stiffness and mode of failure were recorded and compared. Results: The Ultrabutton© had the highest mean ultimate load (427 ± 215 N (p = 0.5)), followed by Healicoil anchor © (308 ± 44 N (p > 0.05)) and the interference screw of 7 mm (255 ± 170 N (p > 0.05)). Mean stiffness was similar in the Ultrabutton© and 4.75 mm. Healicoil anchor © groups (111 ± 21 N/mm and 119 ± 20 N/mm respectively), and lowest in 7 mm Biosure© screw fixation group (90 ± 5 N/mm). The Biosure© 5 mm RG screw presented 100% of premature rupture because of tendon slippage. The Ultrabutton© presented the lowest premature rupture (40%). Discussion: A suspensory fixation for the femur had the lowest number of graft failures and highest load to failure. This study has implications for surgeons’ choice of graft fixation in MPFLr. It is the first study to test the most commonly femoral used fixation methods, allowing direct comparisons between each method.
Key words: Biomechanical evaluation / Cadaveric study / Medial patellofemoral ligament / Patellar instability
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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